Group Homes

BOSTON MA JULY 12 – Play ball before the game against the Boston Red Sox at Fenway Park on July 21, 2015 Boston, Massachusetts.

Seeing a critical need to support kids placed in group homes or what used to be called orphanages, Red Sox Principal Owner John Henry inspired the team charity to initiate a new outreach program. Often abused, neglected or placed into state care because of their parents poor health, death or absence, teens in group homes are usually the last to find foster home placements. To help relieve the stigma that’s unfairly associated with living in a state-run institution, the Red Sox adopted six group homes — one in each New England State.

  • Massachusetts: The Home for Little Wanderers
  • New Hampshire: Webster House
  • Rhode Island: St Mary’s Home for Children
  • Vermont:  Allenbrook Home
  • Maine: Good Will Hinckley
  • Connecticut: Wheeler Clinic

Red Sox players, coaches and front office members visit the children in each home and invite them to Fenway as guests for a Red Sox game every season. During their visit to Fenway Park children from each home go on a tour and meet some of the Red Sox players. The team charity also supports the DSS Kids Fund, which serves thousands of Massachusetts children living in foster care.

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